Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"They Say, I Say" -Exercise 1 page. 50

The writer integrates multiple quotations into their own writing by first stating their position, then the quote, then the person’s name that their quoting, and lastly, their position. The first quote that the writer states is made by Katharina Jäger, a worker from the human-resources department of Baxter. To introduce her statement, the writer first states what they’re going to be talking/ writing about which is how new institutions and organizations are gaining a lot of press, but is not providing many biomedical engineering jobs. They elaborate on their position by providing statistics and examples. After two brief paragraphs of introducing the topic, they then begins the third paragraph with the quote using a comma and the word “says” to conjoin Katharina’s name and position. Particularly, the writer quotes Katharina twice and that’s how he ended the third paragraph. The writer uses Katharina’s statements to support his position and to direct his thoughts in another direction. Based on what I read in the third chapter of “They Say, I Say,” I would change the way he has another quote following the third paragraph and introducing the fourth.

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