Monday, February 7, 2011

     The major that I would like to pursue is Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical Engineering consist of solving real situations while applying health and engineering skills. What smarked my interest in this field was caused by a school project known as the Health & Wellness Capston. In order to choose what the students were going to be researching and presenting, we were given options to choose one out of ten leading health indicators listed by the Surgeon General. During this capstone, the students had to complete a specific number of tasks for each subject that would all later tie in with health. My engineering teacher, Mr. McCalla in particular decided that he would have each individual student create a artificial heart using a motor. Due to this project, I have been hooked on biomedical engineering ever since then. Becoming a biomedical enegineer will not only help me to gain skills to solving real problems while applying health and other technical skills, but I feel as if I could give back to my community. Helping and informing those who are interested on the health aspects of life. I know that I am capable of obtaining the knowledge required to be a successful engineer as well as the ability to achieve this goal. As I yern for more knowledge and skills, I am gaining so much more than what I think. My actions, thoughts, and intuitions are for the greater good of myself if not, my family and friends. I am aware of the difficulties that come with trying to achieve my goal and I am preparing myself to go all the way through with this journey called life. Not only do I have an interest in biomedical engineering, but I would also like to pursue forensic science. Forensic science is interesting because it involves mysteries. Mysteries that provide many skills and would have you thinking outside an average crime. These two fields seem as if they would challenge me and believe me, I like a good challenge.

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